Custom Coils

Custom Coils

Available: In Stock

It is impossible to load every coil on our website due to the many variants of vape coils. If you would like a custom coil built to your specifications -or- to your vaping style we can help.

If you just want the best vape coil based on your style of vaping contact us on Facebook here Ranger Vapes FB and DM me and we can discuss it in real time. You can also contact me by using the Custom Coil form here Custom Coil Form

If you know what you want then cut and paste the information below into the Custom Coil form and we will do our best to meet your coil needs. Custom Coil Form

Resistance range:

Type coil (Alien, Clapton etc.):

Materials (SS, KA1, NI80 etc):

Coil Diameter (2.5, 3,3.5,4mm):

Device used (Mech, Regulated):

Addy type (RDA, RTA, RDTA):

Batteries used:

Their is a onetime $5 up charge for custom coils regardless of how many coils you purchase. Reorders for custom coils are not charged the up charge.

We look forward to enhancing your vape experience with Ranger Vape Coils. Hooah!!

It is impossible to load every coil on our website due to the many variants of vape coils. If you would like a custom coil built to your specifications -or- to your vaping style we can help.

If you just want the best vape coil based on your style of vaping contact us on Facebook here Ranger Vapes FB and DM me and we can discuss it in real time. You can also contact me by using the Custom Coil form here Custom Coil Form

If you know what you want then cut and paste the information below into the Custom Coil form and we will do our best to meet your coil needs. Custom Coil Form

Resistance range:

Type coil (Alien, Clapton etc.):

Materials (SS, KA1, NI80 etc):

Coil Diameter (2.5, 3,3.5,4mm):

Device used (Mech, Regulated):

Addy type (RDA, RTA, RDTA):

Batteries used:

Their is a onetime $5 up charge for custom coils regardless of how many coils you purchase. Reorders for custom coils are not charged the up charge.

We look forward to enhancing your vape experience with Ranger Vape Coils. Hooah!!