Ranger Vapes vape coil primer (Part 1)
- Vape Blog
- 14 Jun, 2019
Ranger Vapes vape coil primer (Part 1)
What is the purpose of the vape coil?
The coil is a heating element which causes the eliquid or ejuice to vaporize. Generally cotton is used to draw eliquid to the coil through the natural phenomenon of wicking. As the eliquid is heated up the viscosity of the ejuice is lowered which assists in drawing the liquid to the coil to be vaporized.
Common types of coils used for vaping:
I will divide vape coils into three (3) categories:
- Cartridge coils – Sub Ohm Tanks, PODS and AIO
- Regulated coils – Rebuildable atomizer used on a Regulated Mod
- Mechanical coils - Rebuildable atomizer used on a Mechanical mod
1. Cartridge Coils
Cartridge coils or sub ohm tank coils are prepackaged and assembled coils that include a small cartridge that consists of the coil, cotton, wicking holes and air flow. These are coils are generally proprietary to the sub ohm tank maker and offer very little flexibility to the consumer, but, they are very simple to use and do not require much knowledge as compared to Mechanical coils. Cartridge coils are generally exclusively used in sub ohm tanks and pod systems.
2. Regulated Coils
Regulated coils is a bit ambiguous as they are the same coils as used in mechanical mods but are much more universal when used in a regulated mod. Regulated mods have the ability to adjust the power delivered to the coil. Because of this the type of coil used is based on a power range and style of vaping that the vaper intends to use the coil.
3. Mechanical Coils
When utilizing a mechanical mod the vaping experience is completely dictated by the coils. Rather than the device dictating how much power is delivered to the coils, in a mechanical mod the power delivered to the coils is based on the specifications of the battery used. If the battery is rated at 30 Amps (a), in general the coils are receiving 30a. Without getting too much into batteries, which I will leave to Battery Mooch and Ohms Law the wattage of the vape will be determined by the amperage delivered and resistance of the coils. Mechanical coils are coils that should be left to the handmade coil builder with the expertise and knowledge to ensure a great vape experience when using a mechanical mod.
Regulated vs Mechanical coils
Regulated and mechanical coils are structurally the same but are utilized in different ways. A regulated coil is designed for a wide range of power as the user is able to adjust the power delivered to the coil. When using a regulated mod the coil must perform within a window of varying power inputs so the coil builder will generally build the coil with a slightly higher resistance to cover differing vape styles. For those who use regulated mods, purchasing machine made cheap coils is generally OK as the circuitry of the Mod will protect the user from any manufacturing defects of the coil. Mechanical coils should be hand built by a reputable coil builder as there are no safety measures built into a mechanical mod. With a mechanical mod comes great responsibility as the user must completely understand Ohms Law and its proper application as it pertains to Mechanical Mod vaping. The coil builder is able to build a coil that meets the vaping style of the user while also balancing the power output of the battery.
An example of handmade coils
Why Pre-burn and Strum coils?
Pulsing your coils causes a layer of oxidation or in the case of 316L wire a layer of molybdenum, on the outside of the wire. The oxidation prevents electricity from taking a shorter path across a fuse or core wires similiar to wire with insulating sheathing. If wires are touching it can prevent the oxidizing effect and cause a bridge. At the bridge or gap the resistance will be much higher which causes said hotspot on the coil. By strumming the coils you are breaking up these gaps allowing oxidation to occur and forcing the electricity along the desired path.